Some years after several exhibitions in London, my scribe Andy O is painting and showing pictures again. Beginning with an art show at the lovely Sunshine Art Books & Cafe, Hove, E. Sussex from 9 April 2023.
Please contact Andy O by Gmail if you are interested in his artworks. Just a few of his pictures available as originals and prints are shown below.
A new original in glorious acrylic colour on canvas features me chasing The Seven Sisters – above the Seven Sisters!
A second framed original in gouache sees Liverpool Cathedral rising out of Monument Valley, USA. Andy O spent his teenage and student years in Liverpool.
A host of beautiful prints are also on sale at the Cafe and from this website. Some are framed in white, others are in mounts for you to choose your frame.
Below, left to right: Cat A Wall, Paws for Reflection
Below, Left to Right: St Pauls, A.D. 3000, St Pancras, A.D. 3000, Moonlight Sonata.