During the 2021 winter stargazing season I saw many fabulous pictures of my Constellation on Twitter. So I invited Astronomers and Astrophotographers to showcase their beautiful photographs of my stars in a special Online Collection on my blogsite – featuring each Astronomer and their chosen Orion picture. The Pleiades – those lovely Seven Sisters – were also and always welcome!
Just click on each picture – and walk through my constellation at the speed of light!
I hope you enjoy these lovely pictures and Many Thanks to all!
Chris Jones
Feb 19, 2021 from Shrewsbury, England – Orion dominating the Winter sky.
Astrophotography Contest 2021: Presenting Winners and Entrants.
First & Second Places are of my fabulous Stars and Nebula!
I had such an overwhelming response that I have decided to split them up into smaller galleries to make them easier to view.
@astrogrev – 60×200″ with SW ED80 and ASI533MC Pro EdHoltAstro – Captured from my back garden in light polluted Cambridgeshire UK. Isa’s Astrophotography Atelierwinter – 20/21 taken with the Takahashi FSQ-85EDX. Joanna – My tree and the mighty #Orion – what a beautiful night sky @astrogrev – 60×200″ with SW ED80 and ASI533MC Pro Jamie Fountain – LRGB image of Messier 42.
March 2020 from North Lincolnshire,JZH Gaming – Orion Nebula: 60 x 150s + 30 x 30s taken Fall of 2020 from Providence, RI. Starry Knight One – Kumar Srinivasan – M42 with the WO Zenithstar61, Bortle 6/7 zone. Anthony Husson – Orion is my favorite nebula – camera zwo 294mm pro newton ts photon 150/600 Antlia Ha 3.5nm filter cem 70 mount at my place under bortle 6. Neil Mac – One of my first attempts at capturing the Great Orion Nebula. Used a Celestron Evolution C8 EdgeHD with Hyperstar V4, ASI533MC Pro and ASIAIR Pro! 60 x 10 sec subs. Parag – The Great nebula (M42) from Orion, 25 mins exposure using WO Zenithstar 61 and Nikon Z6. Peter Lewis – A unique perspective of Betelgeuse. After stabilising, stacking, cropping & filtering 2500+ frames – a mobile phone through an 8″ scope! 2/4. Peter Lewis – I always love a ‘thru the scope’ view! Purple Rain – My first ever tracked Astro Photo. 30 mins in Mid Jan. Rob Tilsley – Four panel mosaic of M42 shot from Buckfast, Devon. The Great Orion Nebula is never not beautiful in my opinion. Ross Daws – The mighty @warrior_orion Nebula – how it started; how it’s going. I’m getting happy with this now. Happier, anyway. Shaun Reynolds – Orion in the winter sky from Isle of Mull, darkest place with the brightest stars. Vicki – 2 hours 51 minutes of 2 minute exposures with a colour camera. A moonless night too which is rare.
Purple Rain – The Pleiades. Lisa Bromfield – From B4 skies in Tasmania, Australia. 98x30sec subs. Robert Leach Mario – M42 Total exposure 45 minutes. HaRGBOIIISII. Richard Hurst Panagiotis Xipteras @xipteras – Orion´s Belt – Image by Panagiotis Xipteras. Mike Rector – M42 and M43 the Orion Nebula. Nice wide-field view of this region of Orion’s sword with my 6″ Newtonian and 32 mm eyepiece. Anthony P Morris – Orions Belt, with flame and horse head nebula taken 22-2-2021. Isabel Streit – Two frames 325 and 384 seconds ISO 2500. Taken on 8 January 2021 from Switzerland. Peter Lewis – Venus and the Pleiades, 2020. Dan – The Pleiades Rob Tilsley – The Pleiades Robert Leach – The Pleiades Aden the Gamer – Orions Center. Graham Kingdon – Nice wide shot. Michael James Wilson – My Orion in – ha. Jamie Fountain – The Pleiades. Michael James Wilson – The Pleiades.
Finally, our last group of images that have been shared with me.
Chris Jones – The Pleiades. Sonia Turkington – The cloud gases of Orion. 95•118•1_107•8•34•19•18 – Orion nebula. Sony ILCE a6000L – ISO 1600 – 40 frames of 10 sec, stacked and processed Robert Leach – Still blown out the core! Orion Akhsat – Sarafina stan account – I tried to capture my fave constellation. Alan, Belfast – Just above Orion’s Belt. Jim Hobson – Beautiful clear night in a Bortle 3 location. Graham Kingdon – The Star Light of Orion punching through thin cloud. Paul Haworth – Ready to launch. Sonia Turkington – All by yourself. Michael James Wilson – The Orion constellation through my Canon 50mm lens in HaRGB. Brimor Busby – There you are crossing the winter sky. Some StarGeezer – Quite a dramatic shot with light clouds approaching Orion and the Pleiades over Barnsley, Yorkshire.
Lastly, a handful of ‘selfies’… taken in the sky above Brighton & Hove – where I pop down from space during the day. I need a very long selfie stick!